Strain - Detail

NBRP ID S00404
Strain Name c1-/c11-, CI-/CII-
Strain Summary ctxA/ctxB (cortexillin I/II) double null mutant
Strain Descriptor ctxA-/ctxB-
Systematic Name DBS0235599
Species Dictyostelium discoideum
Category Recombinant
Parental Strain CII- (DBS0235600)
Mutagenesis Method homologous recombination
Mutagenesis Detail ctxA-neo
Associated Gene ctxA  ctxB 
Foreign Gene bsR, neoR
Genotype axeA2,axeB2,axeC2,bsR,ctxA-[ctxA-neo],neoR,ctxB-[ctxB-bsr]
Phenotype axenic, blasticidin resistant,multiple null mutant ,neomycin resistant
Axenic Growth Y
Viable Spore Formation OK
References Faix J, Steinmetz M, Boves H, Kammerer RA, Lottspeich F, Mintert U, Murphy J, Stock A, Aebi U, Gerisch G.
Cortexillins, major determinants of cell shape and size, are actin-bundling proteins with a parallel coiled-coil tail.
Cell  (1996)  86(4)   631-42  
[PubMed ID = 8752217]  [RRC reference
Honda G, Saito N, Fujimori T, Hashimura H, Nakamura MJ, Nakajima A, Sawai S.
Microtopographical guidance of macropinocytic signaling patches.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A  (2021)  118(50)  
[PubMed ID = 34876521]  [RRC reference
Takebayashi K, Kamimura Y, Ueda M.
Field model for multistate lateral diffusion of various transmembrane proteins observed in living Dictyostelium cells.
J Cell Sci  (2023)  136(4)  
[PubMed ID = 36655427]  [RRC reference
Other Information
Depositor DSC
Source G. Gerisch
Use Condition A
DSC DBS0235599