Strain - Detail

NBRP ID S00405
Strain Name PI3K1-5-, pikA2-/pikB2-/pikC2-/pikF1-/pikG2-
Strain Summary pikA2-/pikB2-/pikC2-/pikF1-/pikG2- quintuple PI3K mutant (allele number 1 denotes bsR cassette present; allele number 2 denotes removal of the bsR cassette, but still leaving one lox site).
Strain Descriptor pikA-/pikB-/pikC-/pikF-/pikG-
Systematic Name HM1200
Species Dictyostelium discoideum
Category Recombinant
Parental Strain AX2 (DBS0235521)
Mutagenesis Method homologous recombination
Mutagenesis Detail endogenous deletion, pOH74, pOH47, pOH109R, pOH89, pOH88
Associated Gene pikF  pikC  pikA  pikG  pikB 
Foreign Gene bsR
Genotype axeA2, axeB2, axeC2, pikA2-[pOH74], pikB2-[pOH47], pikC2-[pOH109R], pikF1-[pOH89], pikG2-[pOH88], bsR
Phenotype blasticidin resistant, axenic, multiple null mutant
Axenic Growth Y
Viable Spore Formation OK
References Hoeller O, Kay RR.
Chemotaxis in the absence of PIP3 gradients.
Curr Biol  (2007)  17(9)   813-7  
[PubMed ID = 17462897]  [RRC reference
Honda G, Saito N, Fujimori T, Hashimura H, Nakamura MJ, Nakajima A, Sawai S.
Microtopographical guidance of macropinocytic signaling patches.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A  (2021)  118(50)  
[PubMed ID = 34876521]  [RRC reference
Other Information
Depositor DSC
Source R. Kay
Use Condition A
DSC DBS0252652