Strain - Detail

NBRP ID S00455
Strain Name csA/dajumin-GFP
Strain Summary csA/dajumin-GFP expressing strain
Strain Descriptor [act15]:csaA:gppA
Systematic Name HG1764
Species Dictyostelium discoideum
Category Recombinant
Parental Strain AX2-214 (DBS0235534)
Mutagenesis Method random insertion
Mutagenesis Detail exogenous mutation, csA/dajumin-GFP fusion construct
Associated Gene gppA  csaA 
Foreign Gene neoR, gfp
Genotype axeA2,axeB2,axeC2,[csA/dajumin-GFP],neoR
Phenotype GFP marked, neomycin resistant, overexpressor, axenic
Axenic Growth Y
Viable Spore Formation OK
References Gabriel D, Hacker U, Köhler J, Müller-Taubenberger A, Schwartz JM, Westphal M, Gerisch G.
The contractile vacuole network of Dictyostelium as a distinct organelle: its dynamics visualized by a GFP marker protein.
J Cell Sci  (1999)  112 ( Pt 22)   3995-4005  
[PubMed ID = 10547360]  [RRC reference
Other Information
Depositor DSC
Source G.Gerisch
Use Condition A
DSC DBS0236187