Strain - Detail

NBRP ID S90422
Strain Name Ddnhe1-/DdNHE1, NHE-/NHE-HA, nhe1-/act15, nhe1-/[act15]:, nhe1-/[act15], nhel-/[act15]
Strain Summary nhe1-null mutant expressing HA-tagged nhe1 under the control of the constitutive act15 promoter.
Strain Descriptor nhe1-/[act15]:nhe1:HA
Systematic Name DBS0236605
Species Dictyostelium discoideum
Category Recombinant
Parental Strain nhe1-
Mutagenesis Method random Insertion
Mutagenesis Detail exogenous mutation, pB17S
Associated Gene nhe1 
Foreign Gene bsR, neoR
Genotype axeA2, axeB2, axeC2, nhe1-, nhe1:HA, bsR, neoR
Phenotype neomycin resistant, HA-tagged, axenic, rescued, blasticidin resistant, null mutant
Axenic Growth Y
Viable Spore Formation OK
References Patel H, Barber DL.
A developmentally regulated Na-H exchanger in Dictyostelium discoideum is necessary for cell polarity during chemotaxis.
J Cell Biol  (2005)  169(2)   321-9  
[PubMed ID = 15851518]  [RRC reference
Other Information
Depositor DSC
Source Chang-Hoon Choi (Diane Barber)
Use Condition A
DSC DBS0236605