How to Deposit

Please deposit new strains/plasmids you developed. We also accept deposit of strains/plasmids you have difficulties of maintaining. Transportaion fee is not required for deposit.
  1. Download and fill the form (strains, plasmids) and send it to NBRP-nenkin via e-mail(). Please prepare the e-mail title as "deposition, (your name), (your affiliation)".
  2. We will inform you when we are ready for acceptance.
  3. Complete the Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) form, print 2 copies, and sign depositor’s name.
  4. Send your resources to NBRP-nenkin with 2 copies of MTA and one shipper declaration form, if you deposit living modified organisms.
    Hidekazu Kuwayama
    Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
    1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8572, Japan
    Phone: 029-853-4664
  5. We will return one copy of completed MTA.
